Pomodoro Technique Timer

Do More Work By Taking More Breaks

TL;DR If you have trouble starting on a task, alternate between 25 minutes of work and 5 minute breaks. If you’re anything like me then you get those days where it’s just a total slog getting started. I’ll find any excuse to put off my major project work, by doing things that make me FEEL productive, while still procrastinating all the same. Maybe it’s “Oh, I should probably clean my desk!” or “I just remembered that I wanted to scrub down the shower”. While being necessary in their own right, do I really need to do these things now? No way, I’m just trying to fill time and delay some task that I really don’t want to do, even though the bigger task is probably wayyy more important. Pomodoro Technique In comes the “Pomodoro Technique”! Named after the tomato-shaped timer …

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Think A Song On Repeat All Day Will Drive You Nuts? Think Again!

TL;DR Listen to a single song on repeat when trying to stay focused, it works. Everyone has their preference when it comes to choosing the noise level of a work environment. Now you won’t always get what you want, and I understand that if you’re working in an office environment you’re kinda stuck listening to your co-workers blabber on about the weekend for an hour, but if you could pick the noise level, what would you choose? Some people like complete silence, other’s enjoy the hustle and bustle of their local Starbucks (I have no idea how people choose to work there with all of the action going on, it would be impossible for me to focus!). Me, I will pretty much never be caught working without a set of headphones on. I have a whole array of headphones that …

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Phone Notifications

Notifications Are Killing Your Productivity

TL;DR Turn off your phone notifications. You control the device, it shouldn’t control you. Everything about phones is awesome!!!….right? Alright, so I’ll be the first person to admit how AMAZING a tool the smartphone is. If you would have told me 10 years ago that you would have access to the knowledge base of the entire freakin world in your hands, I would have backed away slowly so as not to upset the crazy person. Immediate communication to anyone on the planet, instant connection to news, basically a laptop in your pocket, a MASSIVE feature set! Heck, I’m even typing this blog post on my phone with a Bluetooth mini keyboard. Holy crap is there nothing these things CAN’T do?! You would think all of these features are only a net positive, right?! Well, it depends. When it comes to …

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