Get a Massive Afternoon Energy Boost in 30 Min by Combining These Three Things

Get a Massive Afternoon Energy Boost in 30 Min by Combining These Three Things

Do you ever hit a wall in the afternoon? Like, you just got off of work and now you get to do some of your own stuff (for fun, side projects, etc.) but you just have no energy? This is a common experience known as the “afternoon slump”. Well something that’s helped me have more energy in the afternoon has been combining 100mg of caffeine with 200mg of l-theanine, followed by a short power nap, and it has been a game changer.

Caffeine Nap

So I’ve already written a post about what a caffeine nap is, but a brief summary is that it’s a method that involves consuming a small amount of caffeine (typically 100mg or a cup of coffee) and then laying down for a short power nap (I set my alarm for 30 minutes). The idea behind this is that the caffeine will take around 20-30 min to kick in, so if you take a nap immediately after consuming it, you’ll wake up just as the caffeine is taking effect. This can give you a powerful burst of energy and help you overcome the afternoon slump.

Combining Caffeine and L-theanine

My issue has been that caffeine can sometimes make me jittery/anxious, so in comes l-theanine. By combining caffeine with l-theanine I wake up from my power nap with some clean, jitter free energy and mainly just feel nice and awake. L-theanine is an amino acid that’s found in some types of tea, and it’s known for its calming and relaxing effects. When taken with caffeine, l-theanine can help to reduce the jitters and anxiety that can sometimes come with caffeine consumption, while still providing a boost of energy and focus.

How I Get Afternoon Energy

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how I use caffeine, l-theanine, and power napping together:

  1. Consume 100mg of caffeine and 200mg of l-theanine (while you can drink a cup of coffee/tea for your caffeine, I tend to just take them both in supplement form for convenience).
  2. Set an alarm for 30 min and lay down for a power nap.
  3. When the alarm goes off, get up and enjoy your afternoon energy without the jitters or anxiety.

By taking the caffeine and l-theanine together, you can potentially reduce the jitters and anxiety that can come with caffeine consumption, while still getting a boost of energy and focus. And because both the caffeine and l-theanine were taken before the nap, it should have had time to take effect by the time you wake up, so you’ll be feeling alert, energized, and focused right away.

Know Your Own Body

Now, you probably know your body best so the above is just a suggestion. Some people are more/less sensitive to caffeine and everyone can react differently to caffeine and l-theanine, but the above is what I found works for me. Also please note that for some people caffeine taken in the afternoon can impact their sleep. Luckily I’m not really one of those people but if you are then you may want to limit your caffeine intake after a certain time each day (sleep is important!).

As always, it’s important to talk to your doctor before trying any new supplements or techniques, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. But if you’re looking for a convenient and effective way to overcome the afternoon slump, the caffeine-l-theanine combination along with a power nap may be worth a try!

What I Use

Note: in case you need some suggestions, here’s what I use since they’re relatively inexpensive:

  1. Caffeine Supplement (I take half of one of these 200mg pills, I just cut them with one of these or you can get a medication cutter from a discount dollar store)
  2. L-theanine Supplement

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