About “My Productive Tips”

Hi there, thanks for stopping by my blog! So the goal of this blog is to gather up and spread real, actionable, productivity tips that most people can implement in their lives. My motivation is that I find myself constantly caught up in “productivity porn”, little bits of content that tell us something that makes us feel like we could be productive, but is really just procrastination, and I figure I can’t be the only one out there like this. And yes, the irony of this blog probably doing the same thing to a degree is not lost on me, but I’m trying to go for things that are actionable, I promise! A few examples of this could be images with motivational quotes on them like “SHOOT FOR THE STARS”, or comparing which digital digital to-do list is the most efficient. You could spend hours or even days consuming content like this because it makes you feel good, but aren’t getting anything done.

In comes “MyProductiveTips”! Now I’m really hoping the difference here will be that I’m doing the procrastinating for you, wasting time reading, watching, and consuming this productivity porn and curating, in my mind, the best tips to share. I’m trying to go through content from people who are far more successful than me, and while you could do this yourself, I’ll go ahead and listen to a full 3hr podcast and come out with the 3 relevant tips so you can be doing something else.

Now every once in awhile I’ll be posting links to long form articles or podcasts with the goal of showing where these tips are coming from, and why you should think about implementing them. I mean I could spout things off to you like “Make your bed everyday”, but why should you just take my word for it? I’m just some dude. Well you shouldn’t, but you SHOULD take the word of “Naval Admiral William McRaven” who is the one this idea is coming from. So with the blogs I’m writing here you should come away with a sense that someone successful, somewhere, is using this to better their lives, and not just some nerd on the internet making stuff up.

So yeah! I’m pretty pumped about getting to write some stuff like this, as I’ve been jotting down and implementing these tips for years and now I get to share it with people. If you wanna get productivity tips in bite size chunks, you can always go follow my Instagram: @MyProductiveTips , or my Twitter: @MyProductiveTip (not enough characters for the “S” #sadface ). Whelp, thanks for reading, and stay awesome!


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